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Small Business Saturday (recap)

The Saturday after Black Friday has become known as Small Business Saturday, a day to shop local. Rhode Island has so many options for shopping at locally-owned micro, small, and medium businesses. Some might take this for granted until you travel somewhere with just big box stores and fast food restaurants. But we're lucky to be one of many!

Our shop already represents 8 entreprenuers who create items from clothing to stickers to skin care products. But for Small Business Saturday, we invited 6 more vendors to pop-up, opened our studios, and welcomed Dusty Planet Mini Golf, Peace Farm Coffee, and Ande's Kitchen to join us. Altogether, we represented over 20 businesses.

We appreciate everyone who came by to support us all! But the most important thing you can do is support businesses like ours all year. By doing so, you help support dreams, livlihoods, and families. Check out some pictures below.

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